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My podcast has not had the easiest ride through the podcast app world, and I have had many issues with different Podcast Apps over the years. It can be hard to find my updated podcast. The links below will help guide you to the updated list on the right pages. Click on your favorite Podcast App, and when in doubt, look for our friendly ghost mascot!

For more Episodes, Click Here

All sources are located at the bottom of each episode’s individual show notes.

Other podcast apps include:

Player FM, Listen Notes, Podchaser, and Boomplay.

If you don’t see your podcast app on this list Please search for Historically Haunted and look for the ghost. If you can’t find the show please send me an email so I can try to add my podcast to the app. Amazon Podcast has not allowed me to update my new show for over a year and won’t work with me. So if that is the podcast app you use I do apologize, but there is nothing I can do. Please try to download or use one of these other podcast apps.