Hi! My name is Ariel. Welcome to my podcast website. While I enjoy talking about haunted stories, my biggest hope is that you will learn something new and discover that history is not boring at all, especially when it actually tries to reach out and speak to you!

Growing up, I had a fascination with history, but after my first paranormal experience, I also became interested in ghosts and the connection they have to each location. History does not like to be forgotten; whether you believe in ghosts or not, you can’t deny that history is the most important part of any investigation. Because, like I always say, to understand the ghosts, we must first understand the history.

On my show, I am open about my learning differences. I was diagnosed with Dyslexia and ADHD when I was a kid, and it has been a daily struggle to overcome. Dyslexia affects everyone differently, but my biggest struggles are spelling, reading, having a bad memory, and math. Plus, my ADHD makes my concentration even worse. This is why I am slower than other podcasters when creating new episodes. It takes me a few weeks to type up my script, and then it can take anywhere from one to two weeks to record an episode. I also do not have a big team behind me. I do all of the research, script writing, recording, and sound editing. But I work hard to get new episodes out.

Even though this is challenging, I still love making my podcast and won’t let it stop me. Over the years, I have learned what works best for me to stay focused, and I wanted to share these things with others who might need some help. Because of this, my website has a blog posts page with helpful tips and tricks for those with Dyslexia and ADHD. My hope is to spread awareness so that others don’t feel alone.

Have more questions? Please visit my “Facts And Questions” tab.

Get to know me and my show!